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Church fellowship

We meet at 7.00p.m. on the third Thursday of the month.  Throughout the year we have a variety of interesting speakers, a Coffee Evening in aid of our Children’s Charities and a Lunch Outing for our members. All are welcome to join us in Fellowship and Friendship. For more information please contact the office, who will forward your query to one of the Committee:
Chairperson: Dorothy Walker

Treasurer: Elizabeth Ricketts
Flower Secretary: Kath Lambert
Committee: Sue Bailey


Fellowship Prayer

O God our Father, we beseech thee
To bless us and all the members of our Fellowship. 

Help us to bear one another's burdens;

To live not for ourselves, but for others,
As members of one family in Jesus Christ.  Amen

craft group

The Craft Group meets weekly on a Wednesday from 1.30 to 3.30 pm.  Refreshments served.  Just £1 a week and that includes a cuppa and a biscuit. Just drop in!


Folk can either bring their own knitting, sewing or craft and enjoy the company, or we sometimes work together on a range of crafts to provide displays for the church and for charity including:


Knitting Easter Chicks, Angels for Christmas, mini Christmas Stockings, and Teddies for 'Teddymania' in the Prince of Wales Park (July 2019), Knitting Poppies for the Remembrance Display in the Church Garden 

friday footsteps

The Friday Footsteps Walking Group meets on the first Friday of the month, when we walk an average of 5 to 6 miles.  We have 12+ regular members who enjoy a good walk and a chat.  During the summer we travel further afield but in the winter we stay reasonably local to Eldwick. 


We are a very friendly group and welcome anyone who would like to join us and enjoy a good social walk.


Please ring Dorothy Walker (01274 928694) or Anne Barraclough (01274 774526) for more information.


Dates for the walks are the first Friday of

each month, usually assembling at The Eldwick Church at 09:30 am.


The Choir enhances our worship with music and singing.  Rehearsal takes place at 9.30 am most Sundays.


A special evening entitled Christmas by Candlelight is held on the Thursday before Christmas and is led by the Choir


New members welcome.


Contact our Choir Leader: Jenny Reavill for more details at: 



Eldwick PROBUS Ladies' Club meets the last Wednesday of the month (excluding August) in the Church Hall at 10.30 am.

Join us for a coffee, a chat and  to listen to a speaker.


New members welcome.


Contact Margaret Hartley

for more details:


01274 565555



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Messy Church

now part of our Refresh! event taking place from 1.00 pm every third Saturday.  

Messy Church starts at 3.00 pm 


It's church, but not as you know it!


Crafts, songs, a story, a prayer and some shared food.....


Bring a friend, all welcome.

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